Dr. Kensha Clark, Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, will present: "Cows, Trash, and Gas: Saving the world one reaction at a time ."
As society grapples with greenhouse gas emissions and the impact of climate change, approaches to reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions have dominated efforts towards changing our trajectory. Methane (CH4), a more potent greenhouse gas that is generated and released into the atmosphere via numerous waste streams, has received considerably less public attention. The major challenge in capturing this gas is that chemically, it is very difficult to convert CH4 into other, more useful products. In this talk, the origins CH4 and CO2 emissions, their relationship to the atmosphere, as well our efforts to develop sustainable, environmentally benign approaches which convert them into important commodity chemicals will be discussed.
When: Tuesday, October 17, 2023, 6:00pm - 7:00pm.
Where: Heartbreak Coffee, 265 North Lamar Boulevard Suite G, Oxford, Mississippi 38655
or you can join virtually via: https://olemiss.zoom.us/j/99989536748
Cost: Free!
Oxford Science Café: Monthly conversations about the science we know and the science we don't know. Everyone is invited, and children are welcome! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
For assistance related to a disability, contact Jake Bennett: jvbennet@olemiss.edu |
Event posted by: lmaganaz@olemiss.edu
Sponsored by: Department of Physics and Astronomy, Provost/VC for Academic Affairs, UMWiP