On April 8th, the Society of Physics Students, in conjunction with the Physics Graduate Student Association and the Student Members of the American Chemical Society, will hold a campus-wide event to provide an opportunity for all to safely view the LAST North American solar eclipse UNTIL 2044. From 10-3, there will be a table in the Union Plaza distributing eclipse glasses and directing people to the main viewing event in the Quad in front of the Johnson Commons from 12-4. Telescopes will be set up to see details of the Sun’s surface, and moon pies will be distributed near solar maximum!
For assistance related to a disability, contact Jake Bennett: jvbennet@olemiss.edu | 5403190289
Event posted by: jvbennet@olemiss.edu
Sponsored by: Soc. of Physics Stud., Phys. Grad. Stud. Assoc., Stud. Memb. Amer. Chem. Soc.